Electronic Pathology Software

Electronically request and receive pathology directly from and to the patient record.


Electronic pathology

Meddbase comes with a fully integrated electronic pathology system that links directly with selected pathology labs, including HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) and TDL (The Doctors Lab).

How it works

Request forms can be raised ad-hoc or during an appointment. If the appointment specifies tests (e.g. a health assessment may require a profile blood test) the lab form will pre-populate with required tests based on how you have configured the service.

Non-standard tests can be ordered and added to the list via the Meddbase service picker. The request form is automatically created by platform, and contains all the patient information required, including a unique barcode that ensures complete accuracy when processing the tests.

When tests are completed, the lab automatically sends results back to Meddbase servers. Test results directly update the patient medical record and your admin team or the requesting doctor are automatically notified in the system or via email.

Billing integration

Pathology is completely integrated with the billing system. This allows you to set up test prices and specific tariffs, including list prices published by the lab, which can then be assigned to patient groups, employment companies or insurances companies.

When a doctor requests a test, a billing item relating to the test or tests is automatically added to the patient or company’s current invoice. This removes the possibility of requested tests not matching a supplier invoice or being allocated to an incorrect account.


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