Video appointments, also known as telemedicine, are being touted by some as a silver bullet for solving capacity issues in ...
For the first blog post of 2022 we want to cover something that’s topical, and indeed typical, for people and businesses to contemplate in the month of January – the desire for change. While humans aren’t renowned for their appetite for change, the New Year offers a unique chance to re-evaluate how we do things […]
For the first blog post of 2022 we want to cover something that’s topical, and indeed typical, for people and businesses to contemplate in the month of January – the desire for change.
While humans aren’t renowned for their appetite for change, the New Year offers a unique chance to re-evaluate how we do things and ask ourselves if certain habits, processes and solutions are actually still working for us – or if they ever did.
Whether in a personal or business setting, now is the time to make far-reaching changes that can revolutionise and overhaul the way our lives and businesses function and succeed.
And as the hectic packed calendars that typify the run-up to the holiday period subside, the New Year usually offers the perfect time to schedule in these changes in practical terms too.
When you stop to think about it, Change is a concept that has inspired all the great thinkers, and 1001 famous quotes, including;
– Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change – Wayne Dyer
– When you’re finished changing, you’re finished – Benjamin Franklin
– The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change – Bill Clinton
– Change is the law of life – John F. Kennedy
And possibly the most famous of them all:
– Be the change that you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi
But for our purposes, to look at how attitudes to change fit in with upgrading your healthcare software, let’s take our inspiration from possibly the oldest known quote on change in existence.
Socrates is said to have uttered these words over two and a half thousand years ago, yet they are startlingly relevant to changing software systems today.
It seems that underlying human nature hasn’t altered since the 5th century and change can still be associated with things people fear they are losing rather than the long-term gains.
Helping you to understand the huge gains on offer when updating your patient records system and optimising your business processes is what we do, and have been doing for over 17 years.
Our implementation team will help you use our software to build a new, safer, more streamlined and efficient healthcare business of any scale, from one to 1000 users.
We also understand that you and your team will be continuing to manage your day to day workloads during the building phase, and therefore have limited energy and resources for the change in processes; we will help you channel your available time and energy as efficiently as possible, and build new systems and pathways designed to enhance your operation.
The number of quotes that exist to persuade people that change is good is testimony to just how much persuading we all need at the outset. When it comes to the process of change in business applications, especially in a healthcare setting, the reticence can be especially hard to overcome.
We understand that an Electronic Healthcare Records system like Meddbase inherently involves most of a customers’ teams – from Accounts and Finance to Administration, Clinical, Customer Service and Governance. Closely managing business changes to a crucial aspect of multiple departments’ working lives must be handled with strategy, security and consideration constantly at the forefront.
Change management is defined as ‘a collective term for approaches to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organisations in making organisational change.’ This makes it clear that change management is focused around the journey people are taken on during the adoption of any new systems or practices.
Those who aren’t familiar with the phrase ‘change management’ may find the idea even scarier than the concept of change itself. But when it comes to moving over to Meddbase, we prefer to define Change Management more simply as ‘helping to make the process of change as easy as possible for you, using our resources and experience’ which, let’s face it, sounds far less scary – and actually something to welcome rather than avoid.
We know that most people either fear, avoid or resist change in many aspects of life, and going through the process of change in business applications, especially in a healthcare setting, must be managed extremely carefully as it such a high impact change. Business productivity, patient safety and staff morale must all remain uncompromised and that’s where the expert management of change is the key.
So, there are plenty of sayings about change, but the old adage ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’, is probably more famous than all of them put together.
Psychologists have identified the fact that change actually requires both the will and the way in order to work successfully. Studies show that it takes less energy for your brain to use the areas related to habits and instinct than to run the more complex decision-making and problem-solving areas and that leads to people being resistant to change at a biological level.
But the final old adage we will quote in this post is the most overused phrase of them all: insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If something is not working for you or your business, it won’t fix itself. If you’ve now got the will to make that change happen, Meddbase can show you the way.
If you’d like to join the thousands of clinicians and medical staff all over the world who use Meddbase, get in touch with our sales team at [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7482 6290.