How Meddbase’s Electronic Prescription Reduces Errors, Increases Adherence and Improves Outcomes

November 17, 2023 • 4 minute read

For GPs and healthcare professionals in the UK, electronic prescriptions are not a new concept. The NHS marked its foray into electronic prescriptions back in 2005 when a surgeon’s office transmitted the first-ever e-prescription to a pharmacy. Since then, the country has seen an impressive adoption rate, with the NHS estimating that, as of February […]

For GPs and healthcare professionals in the UK, electronic prescriptions are not a new concept. The NHS marked its foray into electronic prescriptions back in 2005 when a surgeon’s office transmitted the first-ever e-prescription to a pharmacy. Since then, the country has seen an impressive adoption rate, with the NHS estimating that, as of February this year, 95% of all prescriptions in the country are transmitted electronically.

The benefits of e-prescriptions over their paper-based counterparts have been extensively reported. According to this study conducted almost a decade ago, e-prescribing was found to significantly reduce prescribing errors, boost efficiency, and contribute to substantial healthcare cost savings (north of $140 billion over 10 years) attributed to improved patient outcomes and reduced patient visits.

However, despite these clear advantages, challenges persist in the processing and management of e-prescriptions. One major issue is the existence of standalone systems that fail to integrate the patient’s electronic health record, leaving prescribers without a comprehensive view of a patient’s history and therefore potential drug interactions or allergies may be overlooked.

Another pressing concern stems from the disjointed nature of various EHR/ e-prescription systems, resulting in a lack of a unified information source that can travel with the patient across the continuum. Reports indicate that discrepancies in patient records are in the range of 25% – 70%. Such discrepancies pose significant challenges for caregivers trying to reconcile medication as patients transition from hospitals to post-acute care settings, shift between insurers, or change ambulatory care providers

These observations underscore that while the adoption of e-prescriptions represents a remarkable step forward, it has also introduced complex workflows and the potential for errors, inadvertently countering the intended benefits. 

Streamlining Drug Reconciliation with Meddbase 

Primary care clinicians using Meddbase need not invest extra effort in deciphering fragmented medication lists to understand their patients’ medical histories. Instead, they can focus on shared decision-making with patients and their caregivers concerning the medications that should be continued or modified. This approach is pivotal because research indicates that over 40% of medication errors result from inadequate reconciliation during patient handoffs, contributing to adverse events in approximately 20% of cases.

Providers using Meddbase can also routinely review their patients’ medication lists online, identifying any deviations from the prescribed regimen. Thanks to our online database, access to current medication information is universally available, regardless of geographic location, healthcare institution, practice type, pharmacy, or insurance plan. Additionally, prescribers no longer need to worry about which pharmacy a patient frequents, as pharmacies can access and fill active prescriptions while implementing safeguards to prevent duplication.

When managing rolling prescriptions, the system provides timely alerts when a review date has passed. Clinicians can then utilise patient data from consultations or remote monitoring to make informed decisions, either re-authorizing the prescription before dispensing it to the patient or terminating it when necessary.

Even in scenarios where patients transition to providers who do not use Meddbase, their electronic prescription history remains readily accessible and transferrable. This seamless data transfer obviates the need for manual reconciliation by the new healthcare provider, ensuring continuity of care and enhancing clinical safety.

Meddbase Leverages Drug Information from Robust Databases

Meddbase utilises two powerful resources, First Data Bank and SNOMED-CT, to empower prescribers to bolster the efficiency of the prescribing process.

Meddbase uses First Data Bank, a central drug database that is continuously updated, to ensure that the system remains in sync with the most current and accurate drug information available. This real-time information is invaluable for prescribers as it enables them to make informed decisions regarding medication choices, dosages, and formulations. When prescribers input medication orders into Meddbase, the system cross-references this data with the extensive knowledge base of First Data Bank. If any potential issues (such as contraindications or adverse interactions) are identified, the system promptly alerts the prescriber.

In addition to this, Meddbase incorporates SNOMED-CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms) to standardise medical terminology, enhancing communication and data exchange within the healthcare ecosystem. This standardised terminology not only streamlines the prescription process but also facilitates comprehensive patient care by ensuring that all relevant medical information is consistently and accurately recorded.

Meddbase Encourages Patient Engagement and Drug Adherence

With Meddbase’s portal, patients can effortlessly log their medication usage and actively monitor their adherence to prescribed regimens. Access to their medical records also helps them monitor the impacts of the drugs they use on their well-being, empowering them to effectively discuss their progress with their caregivers, and giving them agency over their treatments. The additional access to their doctor’s notes also provides them with the means to seek clarification should doubts arise, fostering transparency, active engagement, and a piqued interest in their health. 

In addition to these patient-centric features, Meddbase goes the extra mile by offering an exclusive drug delivery service. This service ensures that prescribed medications reach patients promptly and conveniently, without them incurring any additional charges. Medications are dispensed and dispatched using the fastest available delivery options, including same-day courier services, minimising the time between consultation and the start of therapeutic interventions. This is invaluable for patients who may be too unwell to visit a pharmacy or have busy work schedules that limit their mobility. 

Not only is Meddbase’s drug delivery service convenient, it is also reliable. We partner with experienced pharmacists who accurately fill prescriptions and offer medications at competitive prices. Your patients don’t need to worry about the quality of the medications delivered to their doorstep.

In summary, Meddbase empowers prescribers with the tools to make informed, patient-centric drug choices. This eliminates errors, enhances compliance, and ensures optimal patient care across all settings.


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